Philip Henry
Teaches Blues Harmonica
Philip Henry
Teaches Blues Harmonica
Philip as in demand performer with numerous album credits that have honed his blues harmonica (aka blues harp) skills and enthralled audiences worldwide at live music venues and festivals (e.g. Glastonbury). In this masterclass Philip teaches essential techniques including single note playing, vibrato, chugging, bending notes and teaches his version of ‘I Wanna Boogie’ featuring all the techniques learnt in his masterclass plus a little ‘whooping’!!!
Philip visited our partner Academy of Music & Sound’s live stage in Exeter, Devon (UK) to deliver his blues harmonica (aka blues harp) masterclass covering, techniques, use of scales and performed his version of ‘Keep Your Lamps Trimmed & Burning’
What you’ll learn
A quick overview of Philips masterclass content - you'll be wowed by his skills and technique!Philip outlines the techniques he will be teaching in his masterclassLearn the basics of blues harmonica playing (even if you're an experience player, Phil's guidance on improving technique is still relevant) such as grip, how to get a good tone, breathing, excess air disbursement, chords, cross harp position, hand positions to create 'hand-wah', shuffle rhythm, how to 'chug' and 'train' effectPhil outlines the techniques he uses for achieving good toned single notes including lip-pursing and tongue-blockingIn this class Phil explains the essentials of bending a note, achieving good tone & intonation tips plus blow and draw bends.In this session Phil teaches scales and modes - in particular the blues scale (aka mixolydian)In this session, Phil shows the techniques he uses for achieving good vibrato to help give a sound identity including 'laughing/throat' vibrato, use of diaphragm, jaw movement, draw & blow bend vibratoIn this session, Phil teaches how to play his version of a Sunny Terry style song incorporating lyrics from an old blues song by Dr Isaiah Ross featuring 'whooping'In this final session, Phil performance a track 'Keep Your Lamps Trimmed & Burning' and answers some questions about performing, recording, composing and how he got started in the music industry. Finally Phil finishes his class with a final performance of 'I Wanna Boogie'